AV-Test report

Here we go: 2010/Q3

Can someone confirm or deny:

Three more products were tested, but the test reports will not be published until further notice.

Is Comodo in them and why it is not published yet in the list and when/if will?


If Comodo AV is in the test, I guess it probably has failed and chose not to disclose the result. CAV engine and the quality of its signatures probably needs at least one more year of improvement in order to get positive results from those independent tests with large quantities of samples.

Comodo paid a fee to test CIS vs NIS, and CIS did well.
So why it isn’t in this test is surprising indeed.

Don’t get me wrong, I trust Comodo and CIS because I know it works! :-TU
It’s just it would be nice to have more test awards or upcoming test results. It does not have to be perfect, but at least above average. O0