AV showing turned off in Vista Security Centre

Hi again, I have another CIS oddity :-\

I have CIS on 2 laptops one of which has been off for about 1 week.

When I turned it on I received a warning popup from Vista Security Centre saying Comodo Antivirus was turned off (firewall & defence+ were showing as on) although CIS gui was showing the green shield with a tick in it and “All systems are active and running.”

I did a virus database update and once it completed the security centre warning went away.

So, was the antivirus really off or, should the security centre warning be that virus database is out of date and not that it is turned off?

Also, as previously reported, the CIS gui summary screen did not update to the correct date and time of latest database update >:( (All other av programs I have used seem to manage this most basic of tasks with no problems!)

Same here no idea why the Security centre on Vista does this, it usually marks it correctly the next day.

I only update approx every week / 10 days.

The problem with not correct date has been like this for some time, no idea why it has not been fixed yet, the only way to get the correct date is to update twice :frowning:


i can answer on that. you mabey read wrong but the securtiy center show aleart just becues CIS is outdataded. if it show that the Av was close, then thats is a bug in yore vista

Try the Security Center reset. Does that do the trick for you?

Open a command prompt by clicking Start → Run. Type cmd and click OK.

In the command prompt window, type NET STOP WINMGMT /Y and press ENTER.


Type EXIT and press ENTER to close the window.

Restart the system. Windows should start normally, but you may be prompted to restart the system once more to complete the changes caused by resetting the core repository. You may also need to restart once more if Windows Security Center still does not detect your security product.

Nothing wrong with the Security center that would require this, it recognizes CIS fine it must be just a quirk in Vista that causes this one day it shows antivirus off, next day it shows correctly virus database out of date.


I agree, it’s not Vista Security Centre it’s CIS.

My laptop has been off for a few days and when I turned it on I had the anti-virus turned off message again. Once the av update had completed the message went away.

I should be getting the anti-virus is out of date message.

Also, as previously reported

Also, as previously reported, the CIS gui summary screen did not update to the correct date and time of latest database update (All other av programs I have used seem to manage this most basic of tasks with no problems!)