AV Settings

In the AV settings for real time scanning is the on access or stateful recommended for the best protection? Thanks

Both give equal protection, but stateful can improve performance. Just how much is debatable.

What stateful does is recognize whether the file has been changed since it was last scanned. If there was no change, it isn’t scanned again. In theory, a file not needing to be scanned when it is opened should improve load times.

Sounds good right?

However, the stateful ‘flag’ is reset when the virus database is updated. (Otherwise stateful could be a security risk if this file is indeed malicious, but earlier definitions could not detect it) If the database is updated every 30 minutes, unless the file is used very frequently, you aren’t going to notice any improvement by running stateful. Some system files may gain benefit, but just how much is likely infinitesimal.

Note: I run stateful just because. :wink:

Thanks for your help. I’ll follow your advice.

Hello interesting thread ! :slight_smile:

can you confirm this before i change my settings : “However, the stateful ‘flag’ is reset when the virus database is updated. (Otherwise stateful could be a security risk if this file is indeed malicious, but earlier definitions could not detect it)”

That statement is correct. What exactly do you want confirmed?

Thanks, just tjhe “reset” of the flag after a new update :-TU

Yes, that is correct…