AV Database fails to update

I seem to recall some file that has to be set with admin rights for the update to work.

Is that right, and what file?

Chuck Billow

What is the alert that CIS shows? Are you running as admin or limited user?

Eric, I’m running it as an admin. And it just said that it couldn’t update. I had this issue in the beginning of my use of Comodo, and there was some file I had to give admin rights to to make the updates work – per this board in fact. But darned if I can remember the file.

Between that and it not allowing Chrome/Chromium to load, it’s been a frustrating day…


Try the solution described in Where can i download the latest full AV database?.

That will install the latest available full database. After putting that in place there will only be a limited number of incremental updates (max 1 MB) to install.

Eric, thanks.

Will that cure the auto-upaTe problem? If so, that will only leave the Chromium/Chrome issue.


This may be the solution.

As to the Chrome problem. What version of Chrome are you using?

Eric, it’s actually Chromium, and it’s Chromium 14.0.809.0. I downloaded this version from


Did you get the av to update?

No. I wish I could remember what that file that needs Admin rights is/was…


I just downloaded the Chrome portable and it works here. It first got sandboxed and it would crash. Letting it not sandbox anymore made it run.

If sandboxing is not the cause in your case then try the workarounds in App. is not working correctly, but does not seem to be s/boxed. What to do? [v5] and see if they fix it for you or not.

What version of CIS are you using? What is the av database that is loaded? Look under More → About.

I’ll take a look at these tomorrow. Thanks.
