AV 2.0

I have some lab machines that still run win2k. I installed version a beta 2.0 of comodo av and updated the db. It saw a conficker file that I copied to the system. Does the database that comodo 2 uses the same as 3? IE does the .cav databases still get updates?


Evening Bruce

My name is Jacob Kilgore,
I’m one of the Moderators here at Comodo Forums
I would like to try to solve your Question

You asked if you still get updates for CAVS 2.0?
I’m sorry but CAVS 2.0 is not supported anymore
You may click here to see the Discontinuation Topic

I believe that it Does Not use the same structure database as Ver 3

Did this help?

- Jacob Kilgore
C-O-M-O-D-O Forum Moderator