Automatic Updates

Hi !

I am having difficulties in with automatic updates for my laptop. The antivirus is commodo free addition.
Please advise

Can You Elaborate What Exactly Happens When You Try To Perform An Automatic Updates.

is there an administrator here who can help my problem please?..
After I finished installing commodo antivirus free edition and I updating the virus data but I’ve waited a long time and the update process its stuck at 30% but its keep ruuning…i think its been take a hole day to update the virus database…i take it turn on my internet for the process update and i go to campuss…but when i arrived back and i check if its ok… ??? :-\ :frowning: the proccess its still stuck at 30% and the status in Summary in virus defense is never update …Please help me to resolve my problem…because its my first antivirus on my new computer… :-TU i really like this antivirus and i hope that not dissapointed me :slight_smile: …(sorry my english just a litlle bit)

Please don’t double post. I answered in your topic here: .

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