Automatic Blocking of Malicious Websites?

Sorry for a trivial question; I have not found a clear answer.

Does Comodo Firewall (not CIS) automatically block malicious websites?

Only if you activate the Comodo DNS
But like always it is better if you confirm it with a moderator.


I really like how it works with Norton Internet Security (2010). If I do a Google search, for example, there is a green icon or red cross indicating if the URL is safe or not.

I guess no such feature in the Firewall?

(This post was originally in the Firewall forum but the moderator moved it to the DNS)


You see the green or red icon beside the url? That’s not what Secure DNS provides. It will only block when you clicked on a link and are actually going to a website.

Yes, this is how NIS works. I was hoping that Comodo firewall also had this feature. Apparently not :frowning:

p.s. This post was originally about the Firewall, not DNS.

It was asking about Secure DNS which we see as a separate entity. That’s why I moved it to here.

(i was not feeling like posting a new topic for this so…)

why does comodo dns blocks
the site dont contain anything is only to redirect to another sites in a short way.

Phishing: Site may be criminally fraudulent attempting to collect your personal information by masquerading as a legitimate site
i quest the site suppose to be blocked is like instead all sites

for example if yo go to this forum
you’ll get blocked