Auto update virus database

Hi, I have the free version and I can’t find anything to check to have it auto update the virus database. Is this because it’s the free version?

there are not settings, it auto updates every half hour.

Then why do I have to manually update it just about every day?

Hi Shamma,
Go to the Antivirus tab in the GUI, Scanner Settings, Real Time Scanning and make sure Automatically Update Virus Database is ticked.

It was checked already. I’ll keep an eye on it for a couple of days.

As Languy mentioned, it will check every 30 minutes, but it will actually only update when a new virus database has been released.

Maybe this is what you’re seeing?

I still have to manually update the database. The windows action center thing pops up and tells me to update it. It does not do it automatically.

Can you go to Antivirus → View Antivirus Events, and click the More button. Then on the left-hand side, under the Other Logs heading, click on Tasks Launched and take a screenshot of the log and post it here?

And just to clarify, you’ve enabled the option shown in this screenshot?

[attachment deleted by admin]

Thanks, can you click on the Entire Period button near the top of the log window and take a screenshot of that?

This post explains how to take a screenshot that will be easier to read than a picture from a camera. How to: take screen shots, check BSOD info.

And can you clarify that you’ve enabled the option I show in the screenshot attached to my previous post?

I’ve had the same issue for a long time. All settings are set. The only events that pop up in my tasks launched tab are the manual scans and updates that I did.