auto-opening settings

Just installed Comodo Dragon and finding my way around (exciting because always used IE before).

Two dumb questions: :-[

A) CD’s help says: “The auto-opening setting can be cleared in the Options dialog”. In Options > Under the hood > Downloads it tells me (if I’m reading it right) “You have chosen to open certain file types automatically after downloading” and the “Change auto-opening settings” button is greyed out. Not aware I ‘chose’ anything. How do I find out what I chose and/or change this setting?

Separate bonus question…

B) I didn’t give CD ‘Web Browser’ rules in CFW, just let it ask for what it wanted. It fires up multiple requests for Google IPs even though I open to my home page (not a Google site). Wondering why. So far I’ve installed only one extension, Ad Block, and not even got around to installing the version of Flash CD needs. Don’t want to spoil’s party if they are doing something useful… :-\

Hi Qibbler,
A) The clear auto-opening settings will stay greyed out until after allowing a downloaded file to auto open.
If it is still greyed it means that no downloaded files are set to open automatically.
PDF example in screenshots, after allowing auto opening (example2) then the clear function will be available.

B) I would imagine the requests to be things like the Safe browsing filter list checking/updating(phishing and malware protection) and prediction services.
Kind regards.
P.S. The only dumb question is one that is not asked. :wink:

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Thanks for answers and examples. :-TU Have had a beef with Google stuff ever since I found I couldn’t uninstall the C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update folder contents even though I have no google apps… >:(

Hoping CD’s less intrusive on privacy matters than Chrome seems to be. Cheers.

You are welcome.

Have had a beef with Google stuff ever since I found I couldn't uninstall the C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update folder contents even though I have no google apps... >:(
[url=]Take ownership[/url] of the stubborn pain.
Hoping CD's less intrusive on privacy matters than Chrome seems to be. Cheers.
[url=]Don't[/url] think that there are any doubts about that statement.

Enjoy Dragon.