Authenticating the Authenticator

I just made a post to another section of the forum asking how I can tell if the Comodo logo displayed on <> is genuine.

After all, it’s just a graphic, it doesn’t link to anything. How do I confirm the authenticity this or any of the multitude of other Comodo graphics that a google image search turned up. The majority of these were just images pasted into pages selling stuff; a few did link back to Comodo when clicked on, but not to any particularly relevant part of this site, as far as I could tell. Surely a link to an actual digital certificate stored on Comodo’s servers should be the norm, or am I wrong? None of them seemed to work like the doohickey at the bottom right of this page.

When the trustworthiness of the above-mentioned ticket site was called into question, I thought that verifying the Comodo authentication & security stamp might provide some reassurance. Is there a published list of Comodo authenticated sites that I can browse, like a directory, so that I can check if a site’s claims to being authenticated are genuine?

Mr Tea

“Always remember to warm the pot.”