ARP Caché Protected (bug or 2003 ?)

Hi, I just put this message some days ago, in other section:

[i]Hi !

I´d like to ask a question (sorry for my English, I´m Spanish):

I´m seeing a check box called “Protect the ARP Cache” , which is located in “Firewall\Firewall Behavior Settings\Advance” . The Explanation in the Comodo WebSite is simple, and I know about these things, but the point is that I´ve just started the software “Cain” to Poison the pc in which I have Comodo Firewall, and Cain makes it. I have checked my ARP Table or ARP Cache and Cain is able to tell my computer that the Router MAC is its MAC, and , as a result, evertime time I log on a web, on a form web, Cain obtains my credentials. So, as far as I understand, the check box “Protect the ARP Cache” is not working if I´m not mistaken. I roobet both pc´s (the one with Cain and the victim, my pc with Comodo Firewall) and it happens again as I can see with “arp -a” from Start\Run\cmd.

My PC with Comodo is a 2003 Server SP2 Enterprise, 2 GB RAM and the pc with Cain is only 512 MB RAM, just in case you need this information.

Could it be a bug ?
Thanks in advance ![/i]

One person replied me that 2003 Server is not a supported OS, but I think there must be something else, I haven´t test it in a XP or Vista, but it seems to me there must be another issue, not sure of course.

Thanks in advance !!

We would very much appreciate it if you would edit your first post to create an issue report in line with the bug forum guidelines and format here. You can copy and paste the format from this topic.

To understand the reasons why we ask you to follow these guidelines please see below.

Bugs/issues can be impossible or very time consuming to fix if developers don’t have enough information to reproduce them. Since CIS is free, development time is limited. So if you want your issue fixed, please use the format below to describe it.

To avoid clutter, issues not described in the format below your post will not be moved to the ‘moderator verified’ issues topic. This means that the developers may not look at it.

Best wishes and many thanks in anticipation


Double posting. I suggest to close this topic.

We really would very much appreciate it if you would edit your first post to create an issue report in line with the bug forum guidelines and format. You can copy and paste the format from this topic.

Thank you


Unfortunately we do need this issue to be reported in the full right format, and with all the information we have asked for, if we are to forward it to verified issues.

For the moment I am going to move it to the Orphaned/Resolved child board. If you do edit your post to create a complete issue report in standard format, and PM an active mod, we will of course consider moving it to verified reports.

The devs only look at the Orphaned/Resolved board if they have time, so please do edit the post and PM an active mod if you want it fixed.



Sorry for being so late in replying !! . The thing is that I haven´t received email notifications of your replies, but it was all my fault, so, I hope you can forgive for this .

I´ll do as you say. Now I have marked the “Notify” button for my posts, so, it won´t happen again, I apologize.

P.D: This is a great forum and your product, well, the one I´ve tested (Comodo Firewall) , it´s a great one in my opinion though I´m not an expert.

Thanks a lot ! :azn: