Are pop ups prompting

As a self confessed computer illiterate, I find that when I’m presented with an alert, I do not understand what I am being asked, is this a trusted action etc. ??? ??? I don’t have a clue.
Therefore my question is, is the alert actually prompting you with the correct selection or not.


What is the program? What is the alert? Is it a firewall alert or a D+ alert? Can you post a screen shot of it?

Hi Robert, a trusted application is an application that doesnt represent a risk when its ussing some resources of your computer, e.g.: memory access, attempting an outgoing connection, receving an incomming connection, etc.

You should recognize for yourself which are your trusted applications executable files for example msnmsgr.exe for messenger, winword.exe for microsoft office etc, the easiest way to recognize is to google for the .exe file name (in case of the windows exes this is very usefull) or also going to the created folder of each application and trying to list all the exe files looking for *.exe files contained on them, usually C: is the letter that identifies the drive/unit in which your programs(applications) are installed.

Usually comodo recognizes the system processes with a “window system application” policy so the access to the resources of your pc are allowed and learnt automatically by comodo, but this doesnt mean that all the access will be allowed, because it depends as well on how your policies are configured.

If a new .exe file is trying to execute, and gain access an alert will be shown if comodo is at least on safe mode either for the firewall module or on safe/clean pc mode for the defense module as you noticed, to decide what to do with the exe according to the policies applied and the actual list of safe applications for both modules, sometimes is not correct to pop up a request but for comodo is impossible to recognize every single application installed till you let it know that is actually safe.

If its not marked as a trusted application, defining it as one or including it on the network or computer security policies management list will solve the problem but also, you should be sure that it has an appropiate policy to let it run normally, e.g. iexplore.exe is the executable that manages the internet explorer application so even being a trustworthy windows executable file you might need to edit the policy that rules it on the network security policy section of the comodo user interface, so all the traffic originated by/from it could be accepted without any requests which is not completely safe.

It might sound a little complicated, so i hope i could help you a little at least.

No, it’s not a recommended selection.

When you boot your PC and you receive the first firewall alert for that session, the selected option is the first one in the list, which may or may not be the most appropriate selection. Assuming you select this option, the next time the firewall alert appears, the default selection is whatever one was chosen in the last instance of this type of alert.

If, on the other hand, you selected option two in the first alert, then option two would be selected by default in the second alert.

The firewall will not make this type of decision for you, as each person can, and does, have individual security requirements that can, and do, vary from PC to PC.

Although this means you will need to read and understand a bit more about what is happening on your PC, knowledge is the cornerstone of security.

Hang in there, it’s really not that hard to pick up the basics.

Ewen :slight_smile:

To date thanks lads, :■■■■ :■■■■
Is the following normal I have just installed and uninstalled A Belkin Wireless G USB Network Adapter, me thinks I’ve purchased the wrong dongle , and what I needed was a WiFi Dongle (I want to make an aerial)
When running the software I must have had 20 or 30 alerts possibly more is this normal, uninstalling well i don’t know how many there would have been as I got fed up and hit the cancel button, and no doubt that was a mistake.

Can you elaborate more? I take it Comodo was alerting you? I doubt there was 20 pop ups in a row. Do you know have Comodo uninstalled?

I assure you as the software was loading there were an unbelievable number of alerts the software download appeared to stop until I addressed the alert, unfortunately If I’d have looked up every alert as suggested I’d still be downloading now, there were a mixture of orange and red alerts.
Yes it was comodo, from an idiots standpoint, I’m thinking that Belkin is a well known brand, so why should there be issues , mind that said I had a windows popup to the effect that the software was not signed is it?
Unsure if the fact that I have 73 files waiting for review has anything to do with the issue.
I’ve hopefully correctly checked these through to lookup and I’m told that they are all unknown issues so I have posted them off.
I hope this is understandable and helps Thanks again Robert

Ok I am still not understand you. I think basically your installing new software for your Belkin modem. Correct? When you were installing the software Comodo’s D+ was doing its job and giving you alerts. At that time you should have selected "installer/updater. You need to put Comodo into install mode when installing anything. You can open up the main GUI and put Comodo into install mode by clicking “switch to install mode” at the bottom.Be sure to read all the sticky’s under important topics before posting something. As far as files waiting for your review that is cause your using D+ in clean pc mode. Just purge and remove the files and after your done installing what you need to install use D+ in safe mode.

I’m sorry to be a pain, I was installing the software that came with the Wireless G USB Network Adapter (dongle)
And I’ve uninstalled it, because I believe that I have purchased the wrong dongle, unless I’m misunderstanding what it say’s on the box/manual.
Thanks Robert

Hi Robert,

If you are installing software that came with the product(on a disc) you can be pretty sure its ok. When you get the first pop up which gives you the choices in the drop down box,choose installer or updater(dont tick remember my answer).You will now get a window in the middle of the screen asking if you would like to switch to “Installation Mode”.Choose YES and this will allow that application to install with no more pop ups.
