application refuses communication with CPF pop-ups

Can anyone help me understand this problem?:

I have one application that runs an executable called rclistener.exe and CPF pops-up saying it refuses communication and asks me to allow or deny. Unlike the usual case where it remembers my answer, there is no remember my answer checkbox. So I have to allow it manually. See the attachment for reference.

The strange thing is when I first installed the firewall, I ran this app and the firewall didn’t have a problem with this .exe at first. Then all of a sudden it was a problem after running it after a few days.

Then, when I clicked allow, it wouldn’t allow it to run until I entered it manually into the application monitor. After I did that, I could then run the applicaiton again. But even though it’s in the application monitor, I still get this pop-up.

Why did it run fine with not problems, then suddenly become a problem?

Why isn’t there a checkbox for this pop-up to remember my answer?

Why did I have to enter it manually into the application monitor before it allowed it to work, and why did it ignore my answer until I did that?

Why does it continue to pop-up like this, when I manually enter it into the application monitor?


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Seems a somewhat similar problem to the one I posed in this thread,983.0.html

Mine is related to many application but is basically the same issue of refused communication ie Firefox or Opera with Comodo


ps I’m still waiting for an answer but I think we will get there in the end

Are you using the BETA version of CPF with OSMode = 3? Unfortunately, this type of popup can not be remembered.


@ chad,even if you edit the application rule to allow all activities do you still get this popup?

"Are you using the BETA version of CPF with OSMode = 3? Unfortunately, this type of popup can not be remembered.



No, I’m not using the beta copy with OSMODE=3. I’ve got version

This “problem” comes and goes. I can start up this program and it can be fine one time, but then the next time I load it, I get that pop-up. (Usually though, I get it each time. Only sometimes now, will it come up without the problem.)

As a matter of fact, I’ve had the firewall installed for over 8 days now (along with iVault and Backup) and just today I got the same "refused communication with CPF message about: iVault! I should have taken a screenshot of the error. Anyway, that’s the first time I’ve received it with iVault. All I did was reboot the computer and login. iVault starts automatically, and I usually shut it down right away to conserve memory. But before I could do that, I got this “refused communcation” error with iVault. Just before writing this e-mail, I rebooted to see if I’d get it again with iVault, but did not.

Attached is the screenshot of my CPF version, the refused connection with RCLISTENER.EXE and the parent application of RCLISTENER.EXE.

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Hi Chad,

We have just released a BETA at,1047.msg6504.html#msg6504

You can try it to see if the problem persists.


Borderlincrazy wrote:

Chad,even if you edit the application rule to allow all activities do you still get this popup?


Yes, even if I set it to all activities, tcp/udp in/out, any, any, allow invisible, etc., I still get the pop-up.

Hi Chad,

We have just released a BETA at,1047.msg6504.html#msg6504

You can try it to see if the problem persists.



Thanks, I’ll try it and report back.


This new beta hasn’t caused a problem yet with that RCListener.exe yet, but neither did the non-beta for the first few days, so i’ll keep at it and let you know. The beta seems buggy though. Here’s what it’s doing:

It’ll give me a pop-up asking me about svchost.exe on port 1400 for example, and I’ll check “remember my answer” and click allow. Then it pops-up with the very same window, except the port increments to port 1401. I don’t know what triggers this behavior suddenly in the firewall, because it doesn’t do it every time, but Diskeeper caused it with svchost and I had the same problem with identd3.exe - an ident program. So I had to go into the application monitor and all any port out from my computer to stop this. When I did that, CPF beta erased all of the other instances in the app monitor of ident and just kept the two. See my before and after screenshots. Thanks.

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In my previous post, I didn’t mention that this port incrementing behavior would continue indefinitely until I did the procedure to allow any out, which erased the extraneous items from the app monitor. The pop-up would stay there, and I’d have to keep clicking on allow/remember my answer while the port just incremented each time.

There is no bug here. You have proably selected High popup verbosity during your installation. CPF does not increment any ports. IT shows you what an application requests. BETA does not have an interface to modify this parameter. So you need to go and modify your application rules. If you dont want to see lots of popups, you need to select lower verbosity.