Application Behavior Analysis

I had to disable Application Behavior Analysis due to poor internet speed (:SAD). This is on a slower, legacy system. Will this compromise security? I guess I need to assess risk. I completely disabled but noticed there were alot of things I could check/uncheck. Can I leave some items checked and improve security?

Thanks in advance.

Yes, it will compromise security.

You could conceivably disable the option called “Do Protocol analysis” to see if it speeds things up for you (same menu but click the “Miscellaneous” tab). Hit the F1 key while the menu is onscreen for more info on the subject.

Thanks. This on a PII, 266mHz, 160 MB RAM system that is barely running XP. It really appears to bog the whole system down, opening new windows, etc. The system speed with ABA disabled now is comparable to running with Windows Firewall. I know that Windows Firewall is not that great for security but if I am dilligent with removing spyware and malware, would I be OK? I will try disabling “protocol analysis”. I notice I’m not getting anymore of the “IExplore is trying to act as server” warnings.

barely is an understatement :o

Here's What You Need to Use Windows XP Professional • PC with 300 megahertz or higher processor clock speed recommended; 233 MHz minimum required (single or dual processor system);* Intel Pentium/Celeron family, or AMD K6/Athlon/Duron family, or compatible processor recommended • 128 megabytes (MB) of RAM or higher recommended (64 MB minimum supported; may limit performance and some features)
System Requirements • Windows 2000 (32 bit ALL) • Windows XP (32 bit ALL) • Windows 2003 (32 bit ALL) • 64 MB available RAM • 32 MB of available free hard disk space

If PC has 160 MB RAM and XP alone requires 128 MB RAM, that means you have roughly 32 remaining. So 32 - 64 that CFP requires means you’re in the negatives! Luckily, version 3 utilizes less RAM.

As for the system performance issue with ABA disabled, it has been known to help on some reported systems (including mine) with just the monitor dll injections off. You can monitor the cpu usage with Task Manager as your browse sites and spot which one uses more: cpf.exe or cmdagent.exe:
** FAQs/Threads - Read Me First **:

[b]Version 2.4 - cpf.exe and High CPU[/b],6819.0.html,6933.0.html,6943.0.html

Version 2.4 - cmdagent.exe and High CPU,5499.0.html,5972.0.html,6160.0.html

Did the PC come with XP preinstalled? If not, did you flash the BIOS before installing the operating system? Windows XP is fussy about a compliant BIOS and if you didn’t flash it to a version which supports that particular operating system, some components may not be configured properly which will affect performance. At the absolute minimum, you need a BIOS which supports ACPI. More info in this MSKB article:

Oh, no. This is about a 10 yo notebook. I’m afraid that this is the last OS upgrade for the little ■■■■■■. It’s gone from 98SE to ME to HP Home. I agree totally with Soya that the root cause of the system slowdown is available memory but the motherboard is maxed with PC66 memory. Unfortunately, it is very hard to find “bearbone” software these days that is not graphics intensive. If you know of any firewalls like this, please let me know. It actually runs leisurely but acceptably on the internet. I have other nicer notebooks but don’t like to throw anything away. I have no other issues with it except when the ABA is running and I happen to get a Windows or Avast! update; then it may take a minute or so to open a new window or webpage, which is about 4-5 times longer than when it is disabled. I’ll play with it. Thanks.

Update: (:CLP) Thanks for the suggestions and I did reenable the ABA sans the “Do protocol analysis” and the “.dll” thing unchecked. My security is again “excellent” and speed is great.

Try doing this: navigate to C:\Program Files\Comodo\Firewall, right click CPF.exe, go to “Properties” and then click the “Compatibility” tab. Checkmark the box with the description: “Run this program in compatibility mode for” and then choose Windows 98/ME from the context menu.