Application and network monitor rules [Resolved]

Pls excuse my ignorance, but what is SSM? Are you referring to

Yes, System Safety Monitor.


Sorry guys, I’m still not getting the network monitor module ???. Even without any network monitor rules in place, I am prompted for application rules which, when allowed, can access the internet.

With no rules in my network monitor module, what would happen to a connection being made to a non-existant port on my computer? Would it be dropped?


What does SSM add to what CPF already provides?

“System Safety Monitor (SSM) is a host intrusion prevention system software. SSM protect your systems from various malware and spyware programs by monitoring all running programs’ behavior and blocking malicious or suspicious actions. It provides protection against attacks that can bypass traditional firewalls, anti-virus, and other signature based security tools that can only deal with known threats.”

HIPS. yep. I use Spyware Terminator for that, is it good, compared to SSL? I might give SSL a try if it’s better…

It’s main purpose is application management. SSM can determine which applications are allowed to start and which other processes they can start (CPF only monitors communications). SSM also protects modifications to the registry (same as new CPF, not yet released), ini files, startup menu, services and IE’s BHO’s.


I already do that (I think) by periodic monitoring msconfig, and with the aid of WinPatrol which monitors startup applications, supplemented with Autoruns and Process Explorer (from
Do I need anything more?

I’m familiar with sysinternals tools but not msconfig or WinPatrol. Why not give SSM a try as it seems to cover what your other applications do.


Just a quick comment. CPF as far as I’m aware doesn’t include a HIPS (Host Intrusion Protection System) but the new release of Comodo’s Antivirus (Due out the middle of next month and is also free) is meant to have HIPS included with it.

I’m planning to come back to Comodo when both CAV 2.0 and CPF’s new release comes out. Just wishing it was Thursday already!


msconfig is the built-in windows utility which controls the startup configuration (start–run–msconfig). WP monitors the addition of new startup entries and give the opportunity to deny their addition.

Me too.


Me three!! (:CLP)

Isn’t it thursday somewhere in the world already? (:TNG)

In 4 hours it will be in the UK. (:TNG)

In Japan it probably is already

Hey, it is already Thursday and I don’t see any updates for CPF. Where did it go?? :slight_smile: In Malaysia, it is 1.00pm and I still cannot update CPF. >:(

Yours truly,

If you are running the beta, you will not be abel to do an update. I think you will have to do an uninstall and reinstall, as the beta’s didn’t have update coded in.

ewen :slight_smile:

Ewen, you mean the update is already out? No, I am not using beta, I am using the stable version. I think they have not release the update yet.

Yours truly,

No, I’m hanging on a razors edge like everyone else. :wink: I was simply pointing out that if you were running a previous beta of CPF, you will probably need to uninstall the prior version before installing the latest beta. Probably safer that way, regardless of what version you’re running.

Hint : I’ll be taking a backup of hal.dll, boot.ini and ntoskrnl.exe just in case. :wink:

ewen :slight_smile:

Is it really necessary to uninstall? Anyway, if you say it is safer, I might do so. So far, CPF is not giving my computer a single problem, that’s why I am reluctant to remove it. The computer is a queer place. When dealing with it, I will usually follow the rule : “If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it” :wink:

Yours truly,

The golden rule!

If you like your current config, I’d do a ghost of your drive, prior to installing the new beta - when it sees light of day. That way, if something bad happens, you’ve got a fall back position.

ewen :slight_smile: