Apple Mail... Sign OK, Encrypt FAIL


Just registered a certificate. It installed nicely (unlike Verisign… >:()

When I compose an email the signature-icon appears. No problem.

But the encryption icon is unactive - unless I want to mail myself.

Anyone has a solution to this problem. Would be nice to be able to encrypt!

/Carl from Sweden.


Maybe this will help.

Your email certificate is used by people to encrypt when sending you an email.

It sounds like you are trying to send an encrypted email to someone whose
certificate you do not have…as you say ‘unless I want to mail myself’.

I know it sounds a little backwards, but you can only encrypt mail to someone
whose certificate you have…ie they have sent you a signed email and you have
stored that in your address book.

Hope this makes sense :slight_smile:


Forgot to add this link to the support knowledge base…it explains how email certificates work.,96,32


Tell your friend to send you a signed email. The encryption icon will now be active when you try to send him an email.