aol connection problem

Upon a suggestion from a friend, I recently switched from Zone Alarm to Comodo firewall pro. But now I can’t access the internet with AOL. I can access the internet with Firefox and IE but not AOL. I can still get my AOL email so I know I am still connected to the internet but I can’t get any internet sites–even if I type them in.

Can someone help?



Welcome to the forums, profken!

First, my apologies in the delay in answering your question.

The first thought that comes to mind, is that something is being blocked. Have you checked the CFP Application Monitor? If not, then open CFP, click Security → Appilcation Monitor. Then look down the list for anything that has a permission setting of “Block”. You can click on the line, and see the pathname in the details at the bottom of the page. If one such blocked application belongs to AOL, then that likely is your problem. Then click the line to highlight it, select Edit, and then change Block to be Allow from the pulldown list, and then Ok.

The second thought, is to see if there is some detail in the CFP log that point to a different problem. Open CFP, click Activity → Logs, and see if there is any entry for one of the sites that you have been trying to reach. If you’re not sure of what the log is saying, you can make a screenshot of your log and post that screenshot here.