
Good Morning,
i’m new of this forum but not new from comodo, infact i have been using comodo firewall for a long long time and i can say i really love him ;D. A great program for free it’s incredible to belive 8)
However i have got a big question about the antivirus… i would like to know why if we make a comparative among comdo. kaspersky and eset comdo lose :frowning: ifact whatching this video

the detection rate of comodo is the lowest than kaspersky and eset

comodo is 95.6%
eset 100%
kaspersly is 99.

Hello and welcome to the forum! What you need to realise is that any AV detection for any vendor will go up or down daily. Also Comodo see their AV as the last line in defence. It’s all about prevention not detection… Nobody can have 100% detection today all the time. Kaspersky and ESET are by far the best AV products on the market today and they actually heavily rely on detection unlike Comodo (well Kaspersky is now changing but ESET still rely too much on detection IMO). Comodo AV done an extremely good job here.

Detecting on demand is not important for any of Comodo Users. CİS give us a Behaviour Blocker & HIPS if CİS cant detect any malware (unknown malware). Because Any AV vendors cannot know every malware!


But CİS give us a Trusted Vendor List (Whitelist). if a file does not in it, CİS execute it in sandbox and unknown malware cannot harm your PC. in this reason CİS gives you %100 protection :-TU detction not important ;D

now go and download a CİS for yourself and install. And do not worry about any malicious :smiley:

Kind Regards ;D

I guess this may be off-topic but personally I do not see it as the last line in defense but perhaps the least important. I like to have the AV tell me first if it believes a file is a malware and if the AV believes it is then just remove it and if it isn’t recognized it moves on to encounter the HIPS, so I like having the AV in the front lines to encounter the enemy first.