Antivirus + EA Origin issues

I recently downloaded the EA Games Origin program to run the Sims 2 and a few expansions of that game that I had bought off the EA Store ( From the start I had problems getting the game to load, and now I can’t get it to load period.

I checked to see if something in Comodo was blocking it and lo and behold the Antivirus seems to think there’s something called Heur.Suspicious@106574511 in my Sims2 Apartment Life file. That game (and all my other Sims 2 games) were all downloaded directly through EA , and I haven’t used or downloaded any “hacks” or “mods” for any of them.

I’m assuming this is a “false positive” find.

How can I get the Antivirus to allow me to load these games? Any help would be appreciated.

You’ll need to submit the file.

Details in this thread.

How to report False Positives - Please read this before submitting !

The file path on my computer was C:Program Files\Origin Games\The Sims™ 2 Apartment Life\TSBin\Sims2EP8.exe as shown in the Antivirus log.

There is no longer a file named Sims2EP8.exe in that folder, so I can’t submit it.

That looks to be your main expansion pack file. I don’t believe you can use the expansion pack without this. Did you have the AV delete it, or is it quarantined?

My daughter confessed to trying to play the game this morning and said it wouldn’t work, I’m assuming she got a popup from the Antivirus and deleted the file since it’s not in the Quarantine.

You will probably want to reinstall it then, because without that file, the expansion pack will not run.

If you go to Antivirus → View Antivirus Events, you should be able to see if the file was deleted.

In order to avoid it being flagged again, you can add it to Antivirus → Scanner Settings → Exclusions.


Thank you for reporting this.
We’ll check it and get back to you soon.

Best regards

Hello ,

This False Positive has been fixed. You can check with Virus Signature Database version 9768 and confirm.

Best regards,