Antispam and AVG email scanner problem

Hi folks
I have installed Comodo Antispam yesterday and now my AVG email scanner is playing up. When I booted up today AVG said that the email scanner was not fully functional it said that it had not been configured. But I don’t know which bit! It was working fine before I installed Antispam.
Any ideas? (:SAD)

Hello daytripper81

I just asked support if there would be any problems trialing Comodo AntiSpam with AVG installed. My intuition told me there might be a problem. They just refered me to the forum. I have therefor not installed AntiSpam on this machine although I had no problems with a computer without AVG installed.

As you know AVG looks at the POP3 Server Port 110. AVG is configuered to use, say Port 10110, for the email client which is configuered to use 10110 instead of the default 110.

Unless Comodo can answer the question I asked, viz. “which side of the AVG server does AntiSpam use” ie. ISP to AVG or AVG to Mail Client, I can’t be of much help.

Let me know if this gives you a clue to what is going on and I might install AntiSpam and see what happens.


Thanks for the info will keep it for future reference, the fact is that when I booted up this morning Comodo Firewall said AVGINET.EXE has changed and wants to access the internet, I allowed it to do so and evreything is back to normal … at the moment.


Hi Guys,

The current version of AntiSpam has been found to have some issues with e-mail monitoring AntiVirus programs (CAV included – fix available soon). As oldgiraffe pointed out they both monitor the same ports.

A new version of CAV will be available in the near future that will resolve these issues.

Kind Regards,

Thanks, Shane,

I look forward to the new version.

Comodo Anti-Spam is a great program. Although I was reluctant to install it at home because of the uncertanty of working with AVG Anti-virus and multiple Pegasus email accounts; I have installed it on a few machines at one of our local charities, MS Society Bournemouth & District Branch Sometimes it worked OK with AVG sometimes not?

Thanks, Old Giraffe.

I have AVG running with Anti/Spam and works ok, AVG seems to check email first then Anti/spam sorts mail, i have to click on send/receive one more time to get emails to outlook inbox, but so far works ok.