
My c.o.m.o.d.o antivirus has detected a malware. I can not figure out how to delete the item…
Please let me know :-[

Isn’t there an option to delete the file on the pop up?

By the way, welcome to the Comodo Forums :slight_smile:

No there is none pop up or option to delete the file.
Only, Refresh-more- close. Strange…

Thank you :slight_smile:

I think you are on the antivirus events viewer :wink: I was referring to the red popup when a malware is first detected.

In the events viewer, what does it say under the ‘Action’ column for the piece of malware?

Check ‘Quarantined Items’ under the Antivirus tab. If the file is there, it is harmless, and it is recommended you keep it there, just in case it’s a false positive.

Hope I’m of some assistance, and apologies if any of this is confusing.

Hello Beanie!
Thank you, you solved my problem… ;D

No worries, happy to help :slight_smile: