Anti-Virus warning message

First off, let me apologize because I am sure others have posted about this already, but I am not very techno literate and need KISS princiiple answers. Speak slowly and carefully.

OK, I have XP on a Dell desktop. I have Comodo Firewall, Antivirus and Safesurf, all recommended by a friend.
I have CAV build version

I keep getting the error message about needing to upgrade - but I have downloaded the CIS files three times already? Don’t they just overwrite the current program? What do I need to do to stop getting these messages?

Download this installer, use it to uninstall CAV and CFP, restart, then use it to install CIS.

I would strongly recommend that you

  1. Download the latest Comnodo Internet Security installer from the Comodo web site
  2. Uninstall your existing installation of Comodo Anti-Virus
  3. Reboot
  4. Uninstall your current installkation of Comodo Firewall Pro
  5. Reboot
  6. Install Comodo Internet Security from the installer downloaded in step 1

There are enormous internal differences between version 2 of the AV and the version included in CIS. I simply cannot recommend trying an upgrade - I doubt it would work. Uninstall reboot and re-install is preferred.

Hope this helps,
Ewen :slight_smile:

Thanks Jeremy and Ewen! I will give it a try this weekend! I appreciate your easy-to-understand explanations. I am sure I will have more questions, especially about Firewall, as I learn how to use it.

Do you have a “Comodo for Dummies” thread? I tried to read some of the FAQ but they are written in a language I don’t understand.

Obviously, my tech-savvy friend was just trying to be helpful when he recommended your products. I just wish there was more info geared to those of us who know where the ON button is on our computers - and that’s about all we know.

Again, many thanks! (:WAV)

Help file in CIS or the Guide Board should be good (different from FAQ). :slight_smile: We got a few people already making Guides & Contributing to that board.
