Am I under attack?

1.} this ip, hijacked one of my wifi g adapters, it was manually configured, comodo notified me of the incoming connection, but i had previously not accepted it…but it was persistent. it is also blocked in cis fw

2-3 this is an image of my current trace routes

packet scans/sniffs are being collected, and i’m trying to figure out how to save all the info…apparantly some ddos have been making it through to my pc. i’ve blocked a few.

Edit by EricJH: split this post from another topic because of a topic hijack

[attachment deleted by admin]

What IP address? What do you mean with hijacked your adapter? Do you mean CIS reported incoming traffic from that IP address?

2-3 this is an image of my current trace routes

packet scans/sniffs are being collected, and i’m trying to figure out how to save all the info…apparantly some ddos have been making it through to my pc. i’ve blocked a few.

Ddos attack? Please provide us with sufficient information to judge that.

Now this is interesting.

His last tracert hop is RIPE shows that as belonging to Comodo CA Ltd. in England.

Are you using Comodo’s DNS servers?

Since eric hijacked my post i’m locking this, because i can’t delete it. It never should have been moved…

The last hop being comodo is what it should be…unless this is not sopposed to end up in the UK, yes i am using comodo dns, or should be…cis pro installs should ask to use the dns but have not, when i installed comodo dragon i told it to use comodo dns on all adapters, the hijack occured about 3 days after this…

It seems eric is knowledgeable about these attacks and makes repeated attempts to hide it, or discredit the reports. I was attempting to make a control set of trusted routes… if these ip’s are legit then most users should see them while being connected to comodo via cmdagent.exe.

Hardly a Hijack

“It never should have been moved…”

From where was it moved?
