Allowed applications still appear in blocked list.

Hello World,

I’m giving Comodo Free Firewall a try and I have this issue where applications that I’ve marked as “Allowed application” when asked still appear in the “blocked applications” list. Check the pics below.
So are they actually working properly or not(they seem to work fine, but who knows)? Why does this happen and what should I do? Should I leave them as they are, should I unblock them for components shown in blocked collum, should I unblock them for all components?

Thank you.

This should help you with that issue:;msg888987#msg888987

It helps partially, but if you look at the screen shots you will see most of the items that appear in my block list are listed as “blocked by firewall”, not “blocked by hips”. So does the same explanation apply?
And what do I do about it? Do I just ignore them, do I allow them(which option) or what?

Also(this was probably pretty stupid of me to do) but I already selected and “unblocked for all security components” a couple of them before my brain figured Hey maybe we should go ask about this before unblocking everything…. Should I be expecting any problems because of this?

Basically Yes, just ignore them. I’ve never looked at the Blocked Applications list for weeks and then only to remove all the entries. The general opinion is that the Blocked Applications list is a waste of time and causes unnecessary worry for some users

Treat applications individually as you appear to have done and give permissions as appropriate for you.

As for possible problems, it really depends on which ones you have unblocked? I really doubt you will, but if you remember which ones you unblocked, you can double check what permissions they have

Most of the stuff I unblocked where different components/services from my avast free antivirus. I can’t remember what else I unblocked… :frowning: Is there a log I could check?
But hopefully I won’t have any issues like you said. If I do run into any however, would a simple reinstall of the comodo firewall fix them, or is there something else I should keep in mind?

P.S. Unrelated by since it came to mind, while I have you, why create another thread. Should I leave website filtering on if I already have web shield running in avast?

You need to check the firewall logs to see the blocked events, if both source and destination ports column show 0 then the applications were blocked from sending fragmented IP packets if you have block fragmented IP traffic enabled in firewall settings.

As for web filter you should only have one active at a time, so choose one and disable the other.

Also if you unblocked for all components, they’ll be listed under both Firewall Application Rules and HIPS Rules from the Advanced Settings

There shouldn’t be a problem with leaving Website Filtering on as well as Web Shield. They serve different purposes . . . 'The 'Website Filtering’ section allows you to set up rules to allow or block access to specific websites’ whereas Web Shield is part of the Avast Malware detection system and traffic scanning as I understand it

Ok, thank you very much everyone, think that’s all for now.
Guess I’ll leave website filtering enabled as long as it doesn’t interfere with anything, but it’s very doubtful that I will ever use it… Even if I wanted to block a specific website, chrome already has such features, so I really don’t see the point in comodos option unless it does something extra.