
It would be better if there is an individual alert option for module i.e each module has own alert option.

On my family system I like to disable alerts i.e no alerts are shown but would like AV alert to notify i.e Quarantined alert & not the alert that ask Clean/Ignore.

But the prob is if I choose not to show alerts then AV notify alert is also not shown.
And if you choose AV alert to show then you get Clean/Ignore alert but I want Quarantined alert.

Plzz consider this wish.


Please kindly fill in a wish request for us to be able to vote with the forum members. Thank you very much for your kind feedback , it will be taken into account :wink:

Kind Regards

Please also use the wish format found here: Comodo Forum

Please use the required format. In the meantime, I will move this request to “Added/Rejected Wishes”.

Thank you.