1. What actually happened or you saw:
I make rating scans and I always see that there are some unknown files on my computer. However, there is no way to easily move these to the Unrecognized Files list to keep track of them. There are just 2 options for us after scan has completed (“Trust” or “No Action”). There is no option to move the files to the Unrecognized Files List.
2. What you wanted to happen or see:
I would like a new option to “Move to Unrecognized List”.
3. Why you think it is desirable:
With this I can easily send the files for Whitelisting straight from the unrecognized list, and I will see easily whether they are added or not without running rating scanning again!
4. Any other information:
Thank you for submitting this Wish Request. I have edited the poll and edited the first post. Does everything seem correct?
Looks better @Chiron, please forward this, thanks
Thank you for submitting this Wish Request. I have now moved this to the WAITING AREA.
Please be sure to vote for your own wish, and for any other wishes you also support. It is also worthwhile to vote against wishes you think would be a waste of resources, as implementing those may slow down the wishes you would really like to see added.
Thanks again.
I have been pondering over this wish and I am more inclined to think this could be a bug and not a wish.
Unknown equals unrecognized.
Run a Rating Scan-Comodo Help
I imagine the ‘rating scan’ should work in with the ‘file rating system component’ and if it doesn’t it should IMO (Both rely on the cloud-based file look-up service).
IMO an unknown file found during a rating scan should automatically be added to the unrecognized list, but it is not.
Manage File Rating-Comodo Help
Files which could not be recognized by the rating system are added to the list of 'Unrecognized Files'.
Edit: Just to add to this, files found trustworthy during a rating scan are automatically added to the trusted files list.
captainsticks, you make a good argument. yigido, I will leave this up to you. If you wish you may submit a bug report for this. I will then immediately forward that to Comodo as a bug. However, if you would rather not do that, as it does require the bug format, you may choose to leave this as a wish. However, if you leave it here I will not be able to forward it until it receives the required 15 points.
What are your thoughts on this matter?
Hi friends,
This is a wish but I am just shocked after captainsticks post :o I have no CIS of CFW installed now.
I cannot cretae a bug report for this. Maybe one of you guys, please report a bug for me and community sake.
Chiron, I will leave this thread for you, you can do whatever you want fro CIS :-TU
Kind regards,
In that case, for now I will leave this here. Hopefully it will soon accumulate the 15 points soon so that it can quickly be forwarded to the devs for consideration.
I have voted yes for my reasons above. :-TU
I would like to thank everyone who has voted on this particular enhancement. As this wish has accumulated the necessary 15 points I have added this to the tracker for consideration by the devs. However, do note that even though this wish will be considered by the devs, it does not necessarily mean that it will be implemented. I will update this topic when I have any additional information.
Thank you.