After istalling Comodo firewall I cannot create a new Restore Point. Help!!

I have just installed Comodo firewall and now I cannot create a new Restore Point anymore.
When I click on Start > Right click Computer > Prop > system protection > create system restore point
name it something anything … > Ok > I get an error-
I use Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. Can you hel me please?

What error do you get?

Thanks for your hepl!
I’m sorry but I don’t write english well. I write you my error in italian langage, I hope you understand:

Impossibile creare un punto di ripristino.
Errore del Servizio copia Shadows del volume: il problema si è verificato durante il tentativo
di contattare i writer del servizio Copia Shadow del volume. Verificare che il servizio Event System
e servizio Copia Shadow del volume siano in esecuzione e cercare eventuali errori nei registri eventi.

Allora sono andatto in Visualizzatoe Eventi e ho notato questo:

Impossibile creare il punto di ripristino pianificato. Informazioni aggiuntive: (0x80042318).

Errore del servizio Copia Shadow del volume: rilevata incoerenza durante il tentativo di contattare i writer del servizio Copia Shadow del volume. Il writer del Registro di sistema non è in grado di rispondere a una query dal servizio Copia Shadow del volume. Verificare che il Servizio eventi e il servizio Copia Shadow del volume funzionino correttamente. Controllare il registro eventi applicazioni per individuare eventuali altri eventi.

Raccolta dei dati del processo di scrittura
Esecuzione operazione asincrona

Contesto di esecuzione: Requestor
Stato corrente: GatherWriterMetadata

This should help: Cannot Create Restore Point 0x80042318 error

Hi, thanks for your reply. I have just done this procedure:

Reset the Repository.
Boot into Safe Mode without networking and open a command prompt as administrator. Now Type net stop winmgmt and hit Enter. This will stop the Windows Management Instrumentation Service. Next go to C:\Windows\System32\wbem and rename the repository folder to repositoryold Restart.
Now again open a command prompt as administrator, type net stop winmgmt and hit Enter. Next Type winmgmt /resetRepository and hit Enter.
Restart your system.

But when on the prompt I wrtite " winmgmt /resetRepository", I get an errore (instruction not recognized).
Why do I have this problem?

Are you running the command prompt as Administrator?

… sure!!!

I ran the Italian error report of Windows through a translator. That points me in a different directin than deadman is taking you.

First make sure the Volume Shadow Copy Service is running and see if that helps or not. When it doesn’t help check the Defense + logs and see Windows processes get blocked. Can you post a screenshot of them after you temporarily put the User Interface of CIS to English? The logs are in View Defense + Events.

I’m sorry but your reoply has come late, I have just unistalled Comodo firewall. With Comodo my Noteboot also was not abled to print by wireless. I stil don’t succeed to restore the print connection with wireless. I think I myself am the problem and not Comodo. :wink: