AFAIK, CPF was causing a BSOD, stop 0x00000024

I’ve been tearing my hair out (not a good thing when you don’t have much ;)) over a BSOD problem on my new laptop (Toshiba M400, 2G RAM, 100G SATA drive, Win XP tablet, SP2).

When shutting down, I’d get a blue screen, stop code 0x00000024. This usually indicates a drive hardware problem, related to swap space. Yet running chkdsk /f or chkdsk /r would find nothing… and would also fix the problem for one or maybe a couple of reboots.

Now I’ve upgraded from CPF beta 2.3.3 to 2.3.5 – and the problem has disappeared! I’m very happy of course… yet also concerned that CPF could even trigger this, and that it is not a reported/known problem so might possibly return in a future beta.

I have no idea how or why CPF would be a culprit, but there it is. I hope this info is helpful to the developers, so they can avoid whatever it was that was causing the problem.

I would dearly love to know if anyone on the ‘inside’ can think of anything that could possibly have caused this! It was a painful/serious defect, and it is always helpful to understand sources of such problems so they can be identified and rapidly diagnosed in the future.

Thanks much,


There was a known issue with CPF causing a BSOD in one of the betas. Comodo released an update as soon as they found out to fix this.
