

May i know what Combo of AV/SPYWARE/MALWARE are you guys using? ??? I’m looking for opinions and AVs with good detection rate and take less resource, GData took up too much mem for me when i chose the 2 engines option…

as for firewall im currently running Comodo Firewall 3 Pro. (R)

What do you guys recommend?

It depends 88) Do you want only freeware, or also shareware ???

Greetz, Red.

I am using Avira Premium and Comodo 3.0 in real time mode. I use SuperAntiSpyware free on demand and Spybot on demand. When I step into the dark side of the net I use Sandboxie to keep my very safe.

*avast 4.8 (i’m still thinking about switching back to Antivir Free)
*BOClean 4.25

Avast 4.8 (love it)

CFP3 (must have)

BOClean (love it)

I’ve been clean for awhile now too with just that combo. :-TU

no problem with any…Comodo has HIPS right?

Yess comodo CFP3 has HIPS (Defense+) which seems to get along nicely with almost all AV’s

is avast! really good? ??? i dont seem to trust it, it scores really low…maybe i’ll use avira premium security suite (with firewall disable) with comodo. :-TU or :-TD

Wait for Avira 8 to be released sometime at the end of the week or next week.

I personally believe Avast is as good as AVG and many others. Though im not gonna say it’s better then Nods 32 or F-secure :-TU And you cant rely on the anti virus “tests” most of em probably arent as correct as they say they are. (:WAV) (:WIN)

See AV Comparatives. Avira came in 2nd and usually always does.