Add Virtual Desktop Shortcut in Taskbar Icon

1. What actually happened or you saw:
To use Virtual Desktop, you have to open the “full bown” main interface.

2. What you wanted to happen or see:
Make it easy and faster to access. Have a shortcut at the task bar icon or somewhere accessible other than the main interface.

3. Why you think it is desirable:
Very often users find the Virtual Desktop useful. With this little step, we can perhaps encourage more users to test, evaluate or investigate applications that are unknown or suspicious.

4. Any other information:

Hi netsvc,
I have voted :-TU.
As a workaround for convenience navigate to ‘C:\Program Files\COMODO\COMODO Internet Security’ , scroll down to the ‘virtkiosk.exe’ file then right click and select create a desktop shortcut.

Kind regards.

I did that to all of my Desktop.

Thank you

Hi netsvc,
You can then pin the Desktop shortcut to Windows Taskbar if this is more convenient.

Kind regards.

You can access the VD from the widget if you add the task to CIS task bar. Moving to Added/Rejected

Thank you for submitting this Wish Request. I have now moved this to the WAITING AREA.

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Thanks again.

Very few users take advantage of the virtual desktop. Especially these days of Ransomware being popular, we encourage users to use the virtual desktop.

“Virtual Desktop” is safer for cautious users. Application shortcuts already exists in “SecureBox”.

“Virtual Desktop” is safer for cautious users. Application shortcuts already exists in “SecureBox”.
This could be a way to spread the most robust enterprise versions.

Due to majority of No votes this wish is being moved to Rejected.