Ad-Aware circumvents CPF

I installed AD-Aware and let it do its update thing - but CPF never caught it. No pop-up, nothing. Its not in aplication monitor either. How com CPF doesn’t detect its access ot the internet?

WhiteListed Application

I personally think that CPF should have some sort of small popup message alerting a user when an app is connecting to the web and if its whitelisted have it say something “whitelisted application connecting auto allow” or something like this to prevent users from thinking CPF is not actually watching what is going out…

ahh, i had a suspicion - but youre right. For a normal user - you’d think CPF has simply failed to catch it. Even though this has prolly been suggested b4 - i’m gonna add this to the suggestion thread.

If you go to Security | Advanced | Miscellaneous | Configure you can turn off the automatic acceptance of white-listed EXEs.

Just uncheck “Do not show any alerts for the applications certified by COMODO”

Now you will get a security alert but it will tell you the app is safe and have “Remember” pre-ticked for you.

More for those of us who are just that bit more paranoid about our security…

Word of warning on my last post. Disabling the auto acceptance of White-listed applications lead to me having a problem with my 3G wireless connection where SRVHOST was constantly being reported as not communicating with Comodo Firewall. In the end I had to re-enable the setting, then shut down Comodo and remove the offending registry entry under

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Software\Comodo\Personal Firewall\AppCtrl\IPC

Where SRVHOST and subkeys relating to it had been added. I would no recommend a novice attempt the above either!

After the rescue attempt everything appears to be working OK, but only time will tell…