accidently answer "No" to incoming and outcoming connections

I’ve installed the comodo firewall at some friends of mine with children.
When Comodo firewall popups a dialog and the children choose always “No”, so all the programs are blocked ?
I’ve forgotten to say to my friends that she shouldn’t choose No. The “remember this answer” is checked so if they accidently say “No” to every popup screen from Comodo, will Comodo then blocked most of his programs and connections? So internet is not possible?

I’ve disabled Comodo Defense+. But enabled the Firewall. So they have less questions to do so? So with these options (Comodo Firewall Defense+ DISABLED, but enabled the normal Comodo Firewall), is it possible that children can make a mess from the computer?

It’s very possible. CIS unfortunately is not kid friendly at the present time.

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