AC shop

I need to know if this website is secure, because they use comodo’s name tolding that comodo aprove them.

Please i wanna buy a achshop product, but i don’t want be stolen.

Help me, because they are using comodo’s name and I trust comodo, but I don’t trust acshop!



Without knowing the domain this relates to I cannot look the order up on our system.

I can tell you that in order to issue a fully validated certificate to any customer they must pass two stringent checks.
First, they must be registered with the proper business registration in the country they operate.
Second, they must own the domain for which they are applying for an SSL certificate for.

We do not however do checks into how they run their business, the products, or how good they are at delivering the products they provide.

I hope this helps.


the website is…

and they use comodo’s name here…



It looks like they have replaced the certificate with one from another CA.
