About Comodo and update/runningproblems (My experiences)


I am new to this forum but not to comodo and computers. I really like comodo and combined with some DOS-operations like netstat and tracert one could do some really good job when everythings to break down.

Now. My experiences with Comodo (not CIS just Firewall and Defence +) is

  1. Might not run properly together with a virus program. I used AVG and it caused trouble. I have now uninstalled AVG and downloaded CIS so we will see whats happening. The problem disappeared when I uninstalled AVG and then reoocured a couple days later whan AVG still was uninstalled (and I had no Virus program at all). If U would like to read avout that problem you can do it here:


  1. When I uninstalled Comodo it totaly broke down. The interfaced worked but it was all greyed out in the background color. So was the traymenu. I tried to install CIS but the computer kept saying that comodo still was installed - would you like yo uninstall? I clicked Yes and… NOTHING HAPPEND!

I deleted it manually, still the same problem. I ran Comodo regcleaner. Nothing. At last I went in to the registry (never done that before!!!) and erased every registry key in the Comodofile (done by launch regedit from Startmenu/Run: Regedit) and then it installed properly.

This is just two tips. But if Ive found them here it would have saved me hours of goggeling. I hope U get some use of them.

It seems like Comodo has problems with installing/uninstalling. Thats a pity cause Comodo is GREAT!

Did you switch off Comodo before you uninstalled it?.

Eh no! Big mistake huh? :slight_smile:

Norton has the same problems but they have an uninstaller tool you can use to wipe it from your computer so you can do a clean re-install. Would like to see Comodo come out with one. Would be faster than using regedit and easier for those who don’t know how.