A2 Free Ate Avast/Spyware Doctor Starter Edition Problems..HELP!

Just so you all know, I have Avast 4.8. I downloaded the Free version of A2 with of course NO RT shields or protection of any kind. It is for On-Demand scans only. When I update A2, it conflicts with Avast to the point that Avast actually DISAPPEARS! Along with some freezing of the screen. A2 STILL hasn’t worked out all the bugs in it’s free app. Ridiculous. This sort of thing was happening with A2 ver 3.5 and earlier.
Not to mention the occasional FP it still commits. I have to turn off Avast whenever doing an A2 update, which, BTW, take 5 minutes. They Really need to get their act 2gether over there at A2.

SPYWARE DOCTOR STARTER EDITION 61.1.411 Latest version. Free. Does NOT include the anti-virus.
Has anyone ever used this particular iteration of Spyware Doctor? I mean the Free Starter Edition.
I’ve read that the Money Hungry/Super Greedy ppl at PCTools actually HOLD BACK definitions from the free versions. They send down fewer signatures. Well, after using it for the last 4 days, I can tell you its true.

My average number of signatures daily is about 25! Thats it! Yesterday, I had database version 6.14330 with 1,012,649 Intelli-signatures. After the update last night to DB ver 6.14340 I had 730,500 signatures!!
I LOST over 280,000 signatures. Thats Crazy! Has anyone else experienced this with SD SE? Why would this company do this so flagrantly. I was already a little disappointed with having only 1 million sigs.
Why would I upgrade to a paid version of their software if they are going to ■■■■■ me so bad with the free version. Any thoughts?

Any thoughts?
  In fact, yes. I've been having thoughts on Friedrich Nietzsche's position about Morality and, particularly, his views on how to re-evaluate the values of Judeo-Christianism.

^ Your so mean! Funny but mean lol :slight_smile:

Just so you all know, I have Avast 4.8
Do you know that Avast has version 5 out now??? You can get it here (below) it's the new and improved version http://www.filehippo.com/download_avast_antivirus/

then check to see if you still have the problems :-TU

Why would I upgrade to a paid version of their software if they are going to ■■■■■ me so bad with the free version. Any thoughts?
I would seriously recommend either malwarebytes or susperantispyware. You can also get it at the same site I posted here. Either of these have much better detection then spyware doctor and they won't ■■■■■ you around

Hello again. I think I should explain myself better. First, I don’t get the 1st response except maybe as sarcastic humor. But anyway, I have been a Comodo fan and fanatic since day 1. Comodo firewall is the only firewall I truly trust. I used BOClean until it was integrated in to CIS and no longer available as a standalone app. The PC I had for 2 years was bought used and had a 28GB HD and Pitiful RAM. I needed a SMALL AV.
That’s why I chose Avast 4.7/4.8. Home.

Moving on. In my original post, I complained about A2 and Spybot because I am building an Anti-virus USB stick and putting as many good anti-malwares as I can into it. That’s what I was really referring to.
I plan to begin cleaning malware off people’s PCs and need reliable tools to use.
I do not want Avast 5.0 yet as it still has bugs and I am waiting for a few more releases before switching to it.
I’ve gotten good at cleaning PCs and am eager to begin full force.

I was only looking for feedback from ppl who have used Spybot as I have just recently added it to my arsenal and wanted other opinions about the program. I’ve had MBAM and SAS for years. Great apps.
My issues with Spyware Doctor resolved themselves. The 280,000 missing signatures were restored the day after I posted. I believe that PCTools simply upgraded the sigs in order to make them more effective.
My common sense tells me that many AV companies prob do the same thing. I guess I was just wondering if anyone else has used the FREE edition of SD and what their experience was when they used it. As for A2, it still is the King of the false positives and hasn’t worked out all the bugs yet after all these years. Grrr. Well, that’s it. If anyone has any feedback on SD, feel free to post. I need all the feedback I can get before going out on disinfection calls. Peace.