
Hi. I’ve been using Comodo Firewall since the 2.4 builds, and was waiting to see what the 3.1 builds (or as it emerged) would do resolve some of the reported issues when using just the basic firewall functionality, without additional D+ functionality re immunity to Leak Tests.

The reason for my post as you may have deduced from the subject has little to do with this… I was relieved to hear that the new build had emerged as predicted to resolve these niggles, but was dumbstruck to find that there was now a provision for an AV/Anti Malware process embedded within CPF. Now, having installed the most recent build, I appreciate the fact that you are afforded the option of declining the A-VSmart Warranty component during install, but nonetheless, you are still left with this embedded and fundamentally pointless ‘Scan My System’ component thereafter, that might well be of some benefit to newbies who don’t have any idea how to prevent clogging their systems up with junk whilst meandering the interweb, but is of little use whatsoever to people who are savvy/cautious enough to not need it. PLEASE with effect from the next build, adopt an approach similar to PC Tools Firewall Plus, whereby the USER HAS THE CHOICE to decide whether they want to graft on what in essence is an entirely additional product, or merely to just install CPF with, or without, D+ as they see fit, given that this is what they have elected to download and install.

Thanks for listening.

Hi Mr Bips

The reason why this is included is because there is a PC Clean mode and this gives our users some ability to see if they are system is clean or not before they put it in the clean pc mode.

As to whether an additional product or not: Well not really. Let me explain why: The code (a good chunk of) is already built in previously! For whitelisting. its the same scanner technology. in order for you to scan your files to see if they are whitelisted or not. So we thought, why not put that, already built in, fucntionality to more use by providing blacklist! Please note that this is purely on demand scanner! Which means unless you iniataite it, it won’t take up any space on your ram! The only extra you have to put up with is few meg of hd storage for the blacklist, thats all! We thought the benefits of an on demand scanning system to help our users, before they switch their pc into a Clean PC mode.

I hope this clarifies why we have done what we have done.
