a virus that might pass COMODO d+

COMODO Firewall 3.12.111745.560

1.I execute a virus

2.COMODO diplay an alert"wscript.exe is doing something."

3.I choose “limited applications”, and click OK.

4.My disks of C & D become…

What configuration was CIS using?

Also PM me a link to the malware.

It seems to get passed CIS on Internet Security Mode, if you use Proactive your ok.

FYI, wscript.exe is used to run this file.

Will send PM’s to the correct people, but i belive this is a known bug, that will be fixed in v4.

That’s USB autorun virus.
Use various antivirus tool to take care of it.
(you can find manual instruction on internet. you need to find it, because there are
various types of autorun virus)
You may not 100% treat it…

I recommend you, recover your Windows with Windows recovery function.

I have sent the malware to Umesh.

Can you be so kind to send it to me also?.. Or tell a place where i get it?

Your not in Malware Research Group… so no…

But i can say its a vbs script.

Mr. Omelet…I’m in the MRG so could I have it?

Anyway I thought it was ok to PM malware, as long as you know the person could handle it (I think SS26 can) and is isn’t public.

Will PM both of you…

Btw: It would be good if CIS 4 will treat VBS scripts as own programs so that it can monitor actions done by them.

Thanks :-TU …appreciated 8)

Received. Thanks.

Now you have to pay me.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Kidding, of course. :stuck_out_tongue: