A/V Updates

How often does the A/V update on CIS. Mine seems to connect 2 or 3 times an hour and takes 10 minutes or so to download the updates. According to COMODO website the updates are small and fast!

I do believe it’s every 30 minutes;

How are you connecting to the internet?

Hope this helps


Thanks Jake for your quick reply…I connect using a broadband LAN connection. About 30 mins seems ok for updates but it seems to take a long time to download the update.

Also on the summary screen…being updated right now…seems to be stuck, and yet there is no activity!

Your welcome;

Does this happen daily or once in a while? because it seems to me that it’s just a temp lag…

No just now and then, not every time.

Seems to have come right now! Hey I am in Christchurch NZ, couldnt send you an earthquake or two could I, we have plenty to spare, 4500 odd since Sept 4! LOL!!

LOL :slight_smile: I’m on the San Andreas Fault Line :stuck_out_tongue: (Southern Riverside, California (USA))

I wouldn’t worry to much about the slow updates; unless it continues to persists continuely, also if it takes more then 30 minutes :stuck_out_tongue:

Then I would start complaining and putting on the sad face :slight_smile:

Hope this helps


On checking updates again, every auto update downloads the same file. BASE-END-USER-v7488.cav. And at 83.2mb is seriously eating my bandwidth up!

I would recommend uninstall and run the clean up utility found here and install again;

If Problem Persists After Re-Install;
start > Programs > acc > cmd (Right click run as admin) > ‘cd %systemroot%’ Without the ‘’ > ‘rd /s temp’ > ‘md temp’ > cd %userprofile% > ‘del /f /s /q %temp%’ > exit

This should fix the issue;

If still persists,
Please Create a Bug Report

Hope this helps!
