A Question??

If I want to use only Comodo Firewall & Cloud Scan (No D+, SB & AV), is it possible the following way.

Cloud Scan & Cloud Behaviour is integrated in D+. If D+ is disabled, SB, Cloud Scan & Cloud Behaviour is also disabled (No AV installed in this case), M I Right??

So if I install CIS minus CAV and keep the D+ & SB enabled but remove all the checks in D+ & SB except Cloud Scan, I guess I will not get Cloud Behaviour coz it requires programs to be sandboxed and submitted automatically, but I will get Cloud Scan, M I Right??

So in this way I can get Comodo Firewall Only with Cloud Scan, Right??


Can anyone with RC installed check the above things.


No one is ready to check this?? Any one plzz??


i will check this out in a VM. i will let you know

edit: when going through the defense + settings i found that scanning files in the cloud is a part of execution control settings so you can disable sandbox

ok i just tested and attatched screenshots of my defense + settings

i had all boxes uncheck but still had defense + enabled and i was still getting pop ups about ie trying to execute the prgram. so idk if only the cloud can be enabled without anything else. but i did get a screen shot showing that the cloud is activated
if the file is not found in the cloud denfense + will show the alert attatched

[attachment deleted by admin]

Thanxx a lot buddy. So doing this one can have just firewall and cloud scan and sandbox can be disabled, right?

The D+ alert is there coz image execution is enabled and disabling it will disable the cloud scan too, right??

Can Heursitics command line analysis be enabled too?? How it functions??


For Do heuristic command-line analysis for certain applications:
“Selecting this option instructs Comodo Internet Security to perform heuristic analysis of programs that are capable of executing code such as visual basic scripts and java applications. Example programs that are affected by enabling this option are wscript.exe, cmd.exe, java.exe and javaw.exe. For example, the program wscipt.exe can be made to execute visual basic scripts (.vbs file extension) via a command similar to “wscipt.exe c:\tests\test.vbs”. If this option is selected, CIS detects c:\tests\test.vbs from the commandline and applies all security checks based on this file. If test.vbs attempted to connect to the internet, for example, the alert will state ‘c:\tests\test.vbs’ is attempting to connect to the internet. If this option is disabled, the alert would only state ‘‘wscript.exe’ is trying to connect to the Internet’.”
Quoted from Comodo Help

So enabling it will check the type of programs and if heuristics finds anything suspicious will alert otherwise firewall alert if an attempt to connect to the net is found, right??


yes disabling it will disable the cloud scan aswell.
aslong as execution control is enable heuriisitcs command line analysis can be enabled.

Thanxx buddy for your precious time and help. Keep up the good work.
