A pile of the Alert Popup.

Bad Adware downloader sample:

If run this Unwanted Applications. Too many Alert Popups are opened.
I can’t see many popups at the same time. ;D

Could you change constitution of the Popups. please. ;D

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Hmm I’m afraid there isn’t nothing to do in this direction, CIS isn’t the only one who have this behavior(PrivateFirewall for ex. is the same, and others). Since all the alerts are set by default to be show on lower right side of the screen. The best thing to do in your case, is to set the av to quarantine automatically all new threats, and the last you could use, if you like, only BB set to untrusted and disable HIPS, you get the same level of safety if you set the BB this way. I was a hips fan for quite a lot time, but since I met BB, I must say I like it even more.

Regards RealNature,

I agree with your complaint. I find a lot of times that the HIPS popup alert comes over top a sandbox alert. The alerts should stack when there are more than one and all should be grouped in the same place on the desktop. +1000 :-TU