A couple of problems

After being a long time user of Avast (many years), I decided to give CAVS a go after seeing several posts about it. Right from the start I encountered problems.

Firstly, HIPS:
After installing CAVS, I did the obligatory reboot only to find a blank desktop. Apparently, the HIPS process decided in it’s wisdom to block explorer.exe amongst several other required startup items (nvidia graphics card programs etc). I was forced into pressing CTRL-ALT-DEL and manually running explorer.exe just to get to my desktop. Once the desktop started up, I was able to see the HIPS popup dialog box asking me to allow or deny. Even after selecting ALLOW, when I go to manage the files in the Settings, all of them are blocked and I cannot change them to allow. I’ve got around this temporarily by disabling HIPS Application Control.

Secondly, EMAIL:
I found that I cannot use CAVS email detection with Thunderbird - it just times out my connection so I have disabled Email Scanner.

Thirdly, Profiling:
Everytime I turn on my computer, CAVS brings up the profiling database and asks to do a check. It never seems to update the files even after I let it finish so I’m just cancelling it when it pops up.

Fourthly, MSIE:
I DON’T use MSIE - I use Firefox and I hate programs that force me to use it even though I have it supposedly uninstalled and forbidden access to it. The links in the CAVS helpfile all call MSIE and not the “default” browser.

OK, enough whinging and hopefully, you can fix these issues before you decide to take it out of BETA.

FYI, my version info report:

Comodo AntiVirus - Version Information Report

Product Information
======= ===========
Build Version :
DataBase Version :
AllowDB Version :
Program Updates Version :

License Information
======= ===========
License Status : Activated
Product Installation Date: 05-Dec-2007
Product Activation Date : 05-Dec-2007

Program Files Information
======= ===== ===========
CMain.exe :
CavApp.exe :
CavSn.exe :
CavAud.exe :
CavMud.exe :
Cavasm.exe :
CavEmSrv.exe :
CAVSubmit.exe :
cavengine.dll :

Operating System Information
========= ====== ===========
Operating System : Windows XP
Operating System Version : 05.01.2600
Service Pack : Service Pack 2
Internet Explorer Version : 6.0.2900.2180

Hardware Information
======== ===========
Central Processing Unit (CPU) : AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor 3200+
Available Memory : 1467MB
Total Memory : 2046MB

Wow this thread is old, and no responsive help. (:AGY)


Reason: Out-Dated post.
