99% Comodo Working - but - Missing CMDAVD command

Hi, comodo expert;

First run for Comodo on Linux ZORIN OS 15, 64 bits / I-Core 3.

Command line install.
While opening the Comodo Interface for first time I get this error while running the DIAGNOSTIC Tool.*

Please run “sudo /opt/COMODO/cavdiagnostic” command in console, or run “su -”
command to switch to root user and then run “/opt/COMODO/cavdiagnostic” command.

  1. While running the CAVDIANOSTIC in Terminal :

The kernel module ‘redirfs.ko’ appropriate for your current kernel
version does not exist. SEE PICTURE.

running this is a Terminal return the error :
*/etc/init.d/cmdavd: 64: .: Can’t open /etc/init.d/functions

Is this ok to use Comodo without the Full Dianostic tool test being completed ?