5 CIS problems

  1. Program called Process Monitor - procmon.exe is the process.
    When i try to run this program in Sandbox mode, it takes like 1 minute and it ends with a error saying “Not enough quota is available to process this command”. But i had 1 GB RAM free and 50 % cpu usage available.

  2. When I run a 700 MB exe fail, which is a update file for a game. It takes comodo like 4 minutes to ask if i want to run or block this application(and /or run this application in sandbox mode or not). Why so long?

  3. Even when i close Comodo, the cfp.exe and cmdagent.exe are running and using like 75 % of my cpu (when i was dealing with the 700mb update file)

  4. Sometimes verifiying the installer fails with an error and when i get it to work, it sometimes says that the specific file is in use or something and the updater cant go on.

  5. When i run a program in comodos sandbox, it creates some files in the vritualroot folder. But when are those files deleted? I did a restart and they were still there.

And i think all of these problems are related to Comodo.
The version 3 was a lot better.

  1. I have a Intel Pentium 4 Hyper-Threaded, 3.04 GHz, FBS 800MHz, 64 bit support, socket 775
  2. I have Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit no service pack, fully updated
  3. I have CIS firewall and antivirus. I have avira but its deactivated and spybot which doesnt offer on-access scanning (i think), malware and superaatispyware also.
    4. I took a pictures of all the requested settings. Hope they help you.
    5. Im on admin account and have full access to everything.

I would be very glad, if you could help me to figure put the bad configuring areas and make the program run faster.

I have 2GB ram
Ati x550

[attachment deleted by admin]

1)Comodos sandbox is quite bugged.
Firts of all, the sandbox should put a square or some other mark, that notifies that the program is in a sandbox.

For example, one program ( dont remember name) put a reed square around the application .

  1. I had a 5 MB exe file, i run it in a sandbox. It was a update file and it extracted files.
    So i run it in the sandbox, selected a testing folder and extracted the file, but no new files appeared in the folder. When i do the same thing without the sandbox the new files appear right away.

Maybe your sandbox is running differently. My knowledge is that it should extract those files in the new folder and i should see them also, and they should go away when i reboot.
The purpose of a sandbox is that i can install everything and after i reboot all new files and changes are gone.

3)Sometimes the CIS tray icon wont come up. All the cfp and cmdagent.exe are running but no tray icon

I remembered another bug.
When i changed the CIS language from estonia to English again, i think it restets the saved decisions.

For example, when i install Ccleaner and run it, CIS asks if i wanna allow it and i say yes and it wont ask again.
But when i changed the language it asked again :S

Yes, the Comodo sandbox operates differently than what you describe.

You can check out the Mini-FAQ about how it operates here.
Sandbox Virtualisation - Mini FAQ