[4.0.6] Error when starting program

Whenever I try to start the program I get the message “Comodo Backup main executable has stopped working” and then the program closes. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled twice but the problem persists.

System Specs:
Win 7 64-bit
16 Gb RAM
Avast anti-virus
The program is installed to the d drive (the c is an SSD with just the OS)

The older version worked perfectly with the same system.

Same here, running XP SP2. Had to reverse to Backup 3.

Same Here:
Win 7 64-bit
16 Gb RAM
Avast anti-virus
The program is installed in C.


We found the most likely cause of the crash, an update will be available next week.
To be sure the issue is not present in your case please test version 4 again and use this file (place it in your installation folder) instead of CBU.exe . The file is compiled for 64bit OS.

Please let me know if it works.


My system is 32 bit, so I can’t try your file. I’ll wait for the next release.

Well, has this bug been fixed in 4.0.7? I don’t want to go through the whole process if it’s still there.

Yes, it was.
