3.8 Update

I see that there is an update to CIS. When will it be available via automatic update? I have checked for updates and it says there are none. This will be the first update since I started using the program. I do’t want to have to uninstall 3.5 and install 3.8. It seems easiers to just wait for the update. I assume it will be a smaller download and it will preserve my setting and program permissions for Firewall and D+.

I am glad they decided to build some of the protection that their other free program was for (CMF). I did not install CMF since I heard that the next version was going to offer that protection.

Thanks. What other products can we look forward to see?

Available here


Egeman said it will be notified this week through automatic updaters… do check the link to see the modifications you need to do manually.

It has been several days since CIS 3.8x has been released. When will it be available via auto update? I don’t want to uninstall 3.5 and install 3.8 and set up my settings and program permissions again.