I have rather often problem: after restoration of a snapshot in CTM 2.8, CIS av database cannot update. When I try to update manually, it writes “Update failed. Antivirus engine is not initialized!”. It does not update automatically as well.
Reboot doesn’t help.
Diagnostics utility in CIS says it does not see any problems.
I think this may be another manifestation of a known problem that CIS GUI under some circumstances loses contact with cmdagent. This sort of thing also happens when you use fast user switching to switch accounts then back again. If it is this problem exiting CIS GUI using the tray menu and restarting it from the start menu will fix it temporarily.
A bug report in standard format (with all mandatory info supplied) on this manifestation would helpful if you have the time, as it may help devs to understand the problem. Appending minidumps of cfp.exe and cmdagent.exe when this fault is present would give the best chance of a full diagnosis.
Thank you for your answer.
Restarting CIS GUI doesn’t help.
There is no files in C:\ProgramData\Comodo\CisDumps
There is no files in of relevant to CIS problems date in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive and C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue
Ah sorry, didn’t realize you did not know how to do this for files that have not crashed. If you install CCE and then select the appropriate processes in killswitch, right click and you get the option to create a dump file, choose minidump, zip, and append to standard format bug report. Same can be done in process explorer. (If using Killswitch remember its a powerful tool, if tempted to explore other facilities, which are superb but sometimes surprising in their effects, proceed with caution unless you have previously used this sort of utility).
Definitely worth doing as this is a not the same bug from what you say. Could post a link to report in CTM bug reports Board too.
Hmm I wonder if snapshot version of AV db is too old for it to manually update from.
You could try a manual update. If this succeeds there’s still an issue about CTM and CIS working together…
There used to be a FAQ on this but I cannot find it. Maybe it does not work any more.
Re-installation should sort it of course, and you can export your config first if you have a lot of rules. Do you want guidance on how to do this whilst retaining trusted files?
Thank you for your attention, that must be something wrong with my comp. I bought a new Core i3 comp, installed Win-7 Prof 32, all necessary staff. Then it started:
from the very start CIS refused to change it theme - there is always this dull default theme. (I cannot go to my beloved blue theme)
when I install Winamp it says I don’t have DirectX for some funcitons (I don’t remember, sorry) and gives link I cannot load. Though Winamp works impeccably. (I don’t care about Winamp but maybe this will give a hint to solve other issues)
when I installed CTM 2.8, 1 of 4 starts of the comp was stopped after CTM had been launched in silence or with constant beeping.
Then this afore described issue with unupdating CIS after switching to a snapshot.
I tried to reinstalled CIS - at about 14% of this process with red circle it said error 1603 and aborted (in admin rights, in admin account as well)
I uninstalled CTM, but CIS cannot be installed just like in previous issue 5.
I restored Clonezilla’s image (there was CTM 2.8 and CIS 5.10) and just uninstalled CTM. Now CIS updates ok. BUT: I have C: disk of 50 GB capacity and it had never been more then 18 GB full. But now it is about 35 GB full though the total size of all files here is 14 GB. ???
Thank you if you has read all that stuff. I will appreciate if you help me with any of the issues, especially with issue 1 and 7. I also made thread of the last issue in CTM forum.
What is error 1603 (issue 5)?
I uninstalled CTM after some issue with unupdating CIS and found that 35 GB of system partition are full though the total size of all files here is 14 GB. I have system partition of 50 GB capacity and it had never been more then 18 GB full (except CTM’s hidden info of course). Could anybody help me to get back this 21 GB?
Well, if you have no reason to think you are infected, I’d say you’d best run checkdisk then back up your data and do an OS re-install. You could try doing a file check which is simpler first.
So the process would be:
Back up your data and anything else you need to preserve.
Consider uninstalling CTM - it’s still not fully debugged. Sorry don’t understand CTM well enough to advise on the implications of this. Probably keep old snapshots
Open a command window with admin privs and run chkdsk C: /f and reboot. Checkdisk will run on reboot. Log will be in OS or application event logs, maybe as a winlogon information event.
Repeat until there are no chkdsk errors reported, or all are trivial.
Try the following to fix the OS without re-install - may work, may not. Open a command window with admin privs and run sfc /scannow with your OS disk in a CD drive. Follow all instructions. Check the event log for the sfc report. Then reboot. Run sfc again, hopefully no errors in report now.
Compare the OS event logs during the boot sequence from before you started this process with those afterwards. Check for the other problems you may have. Hopefully there will be no serious errors now.
If you are still getting serious problems reported re-install the OS, having first double checked that you have backed up everything you want to save.
8] Re-install CIS, following Chiron’s sticky guidance topic in the installation help board.
This is now more of a help post so I will move it later!
Alternatively, possibly better you could ask for help in the CTM board. It’s possible that this is a known CTM effect which can be reversed more easily.
Thank you, I see no errors in merging.
Let me just repeat the main issue if somebody can help me:
I uninstalled CTM and found that 50 GB system partition has occupied 35 GB though the total size of all files here is 14 GB. The system partition had never been more then 18 GB occupied (except CTM’s hidden data, when it was installed). Could anybody help me to get back this 21 GB of system partition?
Unfortunately nobody can answer my 21GB issue with CTM. The only person who answered my questions was Mouse1 and I found that now he has fine number of posts: 4333.