2 questions

  1. if an alert is not answered it is bocked by default. i want to know if it is blocked until restart or blocked permanently and rules created.

  2. what is the purpose of new network connection found window. i mean whether you click ok / close you can use the net. the only difference i can see is that when clicked ok the ip address is there in my network zones and when clicked close the ip address does not appears in my network zones. does this mean its ok to disable automatically detect new network connections in misc - settings. everytime i start my system this window appears.


anyone plzz

To answer your first question, it is blocked temporary for that session so if you close the application and re-open it the alert will come back again for that action. For your other question, detecting new networks is used if you connect to different networks (e.g wireless, virtual, etc.) and want to give them names and used them to make different firewall rules for each network. If you only connect to one network or you have already made specific rules, you can safely disable automatcally detect new network connections. Heres some info from the help section

My Network Zones

Comodo Firewall allows you to define ‘Network Zones’ and to specify the access privileges of these zones. A ‘Network Zone’ can consist of an individual machine (including a single home computer connected to Internet) or a network of thousands of machines. to which access can be granted or denied.

Background Note: A computer network is a connection between computers through a cable or some type of wireless connection. It enables users to share information and devices between computers and other users within the network. Obviously, there are certain computer networks where you need to grant access to, including your home or work network. Conversely, there may be other networks where you want to restrict communication with - or even block entirely.

To access the My Network Zones interface, click My Network Zones tab from Firewall Tasks > Advanced > Network Security Policy interface.

Note 1: Adding a zone to this area does not, in itself, define any permission levels or access rights to the zone. This area allows to define the zones so you can quickly assign such permissions in other areas of the firewall.

Note 2: A network zone can be designated as ‘Trusted’ and allowed access by using the ‘Stealth Ports Wizard’ (An example would be your home computer or network)

Note 3: A network zone can be designated as ‘Blocked’ and denied access by using the ‘My Blocked Network Zones’ interface. (An example would be a known spyware site)

Note 4: An application can be assigned specific access rights to and from a network zone when defining an Application Rule. Similarly, a custom Global Rule can be assigned to a network zone to all activity from a zone.

Note 5: By default, Comodo Firewall will automatically detect any new networks (LAN, Wireless etc). This can be disabled in the More… - Settings area of Comodo Internet Security.

first point is cleared. for second point what i understood from your post is that -

if automatically detect new network is disabled then too i can connect to any network home, virtual and wireless. automatically detect new network just makes it easy to create any specific rules for the said network. m i right??


Correct, its used as an easy way to organize the different networks you might connect to, for example I use a laptop that I connect to my wireless home network and is also used for college. I made specific allow rules for my home network but for the school network I made block rules becasue I want to isolate my pc from the other network devices in the school network and prevents any chances of me getting infected by a network spreading virus or worm that targets say Microsofts SMB and file/printer sharing ports.

thanxx for all the info and help buddy.
