Hello Guys. 2 days ago i noticed a post from Xman i think, regards an update to Ctm via the console.I clicked on update and low and behold there was an update available. I hesitate to go any further as there has been no info coming from Comodo as to changelog ect.Do we think Comodo have not recovered from New years celebrations yet!!.
even though I do not have a changelog, I think this is the first stable release of CTM ! I guess they have to wait for the websites to be up to date before they release it 'officially’.
Thanks eXPerience for the heads up. I did wonder if it was the final but will hang on a bit regrds the update, and see what comes forth in the next few days, as Ctm is awsome and has saved my bacon recently without having to faff on with scans ect.
has anyone been to there wen sight at around 3 pm this afternoon I was able to download ctm my only ? is what is this going to replace or is it going to replace any of there existing products