
Hey All :slight_smile:

I guess I have wrong settings which made me get 130 of 340. Any help would be appreciated.

OS:Win7 pro 32bit
Security: CIS 5 with proactive security settings on

AV settings: Realtime protection is on ON Access, scan memory on start is on, auto updates are on, Don’t scan files that are bigger than 50Mb with heuristics on hight. Manual scanning has heuristics on high, scan archive files and don’t scan files that are more than 200MB.

The firewall is on Safe mode, Alart settings is on High and on Advance settings all options are marked besides Monitor NDIS protocols other than TCP/IP. In Stealth Ports Wizard i have selected "Block all incoming connections and make my ports stealth for everyone

Defense+ is on safe mode. In General Settings everything is as it is from the factory. In Execution Control Settings the Imagee Execution Control Level is enabled, Treat unrecognized files as Restricted and all of other options are marked. Everything is as it is from the factory but I have unmarked Automatically trust files from trusted installers. Everything is marked in Monitoring Settings.

Here is the list

Date 11:27:47 - 2010-11-25
OS Windows Vista SP0 build 7600 (strange that is says Win Vista)

  1. RootkitInstallation: MissingDriverLoad Vulnerable
  2. RootkitInstallation: LoadAndCallImage Vulnerable
  3. RootkitInstallation: DriverSupersede Protected
  4. RootkitInstallation: ChangeDrvPath Vulnerable
  5. Invasion: Runner Protected
  6. Invasion: RawDisk Vulnerable
  7. Invasion: PhysicalMemory Protected
  8. Invasion: FileDrop Vulnerable
  9. Invasion: DebugControl Protected
  10. Injection: SetWinEventHook Vulnerable
  11. Injection: SetWindowsHookEx Vulnerable
  12. Injection: SetThreadContext Vulnerable
  13. Injection: Services Vulnerable
  14. Injection: ProcessInject Protected
  15. Injection: KnownDlls Vulnerable
  16. Injection: DupHandles Protected
  17. Injection: CreateRemoteThread Protected
  18. Injection: APC dll injection Vulnerable
  19. Injection: AdvancedProcessTermination Vulnerable
  20. InfoSend: ICMP Test Protected
  21. InfoSend: DNS Test Vulnerable
  22. Impersonation: OLE automation Protected
  23. Impersonation: ExplorerAsParent Protected
  24. Impersonation: DDE Vulnerable
  25. Impersonation: Coat Vulnerable
  26. Impersonation: BITS Vulnerable
  27. Hijacking: WinlogonNotify Protected
  28. Hijacking: Userinit Vulnerable
  29. Hijacking: UIHost Protected
  30. Hijacking: SupersedeServiceDll Vulnerable
  31. Hijacking: StartupPrograms Vulnerable
  32. Hijacking: ChangeDebuggerPath Vulnerable
  33. Hijacking: AppinitDlls Vulnerable
  34. Hijacking: ActiveDesktop Protected
    Score 130/340

Thanks in advance



Thanks for the link L.A.R.

I have followed the instructs that you link to be but that won’t help.


is the test running in the comodo sandbox?

do you allow on questions from defense+ after the test is started? your answers are part of the test. you can answer no, or dont answer at all.

It wasn’t referred as instruction, it was referred because Leak Tests wasn’t designed to work with a sandbox. You will get erroneous results. The Leak Test program needs to be updated to work properly with the new CIS.

okey I will wait for the updated version; i know I a clean system (so I think ;D) since I make regularly scans with different scanners and I control if something seems abnormal.


Rest assured, you are perfectly protected. I have CIS as my only security program and I feel no need to worry! With DACS coming in future versions, CIS will be even more powerful.

I feel secure and I have the highest settings someone can have.

I also got bad results the first time I ran this test as well, but if you search the forum for…

… Getting Accurate Leak Test Results …

and follow the instructions, you will get accurate results.

The first 5 sections are very important.
Basically, you need to make sure any rules that were made while you ran the test the first time need to be removed, and you need to delete the Internet Explorer (IE) browsing history cache.
And then reboot. :wink:

Sounds like quite a hassle just to get a program to say everything’s OK.

what should be changed in the test to work with the comodo sandbox? do you just want that the “testresult” looks good, or do you want to test your program? hey, all products would get 100% results if it was usual to modify tests to get good results :smiley:

the test shows that the sandbox allows things to be done automatically which you dont want to be done.
yes, a reboot will remove some of the happened threats… but the threats worked until that (keyloggers for example).

when a TEST has to be changed to get good results… LOL?

the test shows that there is a design problem with an “automatic allowing sandbox”. in other words: automatic sandboxing is meaning much more, that the threats are allowed to run automatically, even without any question from defense+.

Virtualisation allows files to be dropped and changes to be made in the registry, but in a special “virtual” folder and registry. CLT doesn’t understand that they are virtual, and says Vulnerable. That’s why CLT should be updated. :wink:

But if you run CLT and click on Sandbox in the unlimited access alert, virtualisation is not applied, and you can get 340/340, with default settings! :slight_smile:

I just wanted to see but since the program is more or less quite old i will wait and I know that my system is clean.


The point is, the test was designed to test the HIPS side of CIS – not the sandbox.

And once you run the test, CIS makes rules for the leak test which have to be cleaned up, otherwise it will let the same leaks through the next time you run it.

Following the clean-up procedure is no big deal. I am a computer noob and I did it in about 5 minutes.

this is not true

Automatic sandboxing does not virtualise software Files and registry keys created by the software are NOT stored in a separate place on your hard disk. (Instead, to protect system integrity, the sandboxed program is prevented from writing to protected folders, pre-existing files, and registry keys ).


anyway , even if I disabled the file system and the registry virtualisation completely , still one can never get full score with the sanbox option on !!!

I only get full score if I disabled the sandbox option …

since we all now agree that Automatic sandboxing does not virtualise software Files and registry keys created by the software , and it only prevents the sanboxed program from writing to protected folders, pre-existing files, and registry keys

so why CLT results when ran with S/B disabled are not equal to CLT ran with S/B enabled???!!!

since the automatic sandboxing is only more restrictions , i assume the CLT results are supposed to be better not worse !!! like the case we have here !!

CIS 5 is a very powerful software but I guess the sandbox is bugged !

Please read again (both paragraphs) and explain what is not true. Thanks. :slight_smile:

And I do get 340/340 with sandbox enabled (Partially limited) on XP SP3. :slight_smile:

as the developer of the CIS 5 SAID :

Automatic sandboxing does not virtualise software Files and registry keys created by the software

and u said that :

CLT doesn't understand that they are virtual , and says Vulnerable. That's why CLT should be updated.

and this is not true cause there is no virtualization in the automatic sanboxing , it’s only some restrictions the isolated program is forced to go throw

And I do get 340/340 with sandbox enabled (Partially limited) on XP SP3.

I can’t reproduce that though ( win7 x86 fully updated - SB partially limited/limited/restricted/untrusted ! - proactive configurations - safe mode for D+ & Firewall - Automatic detection of installers… unselected …)

can u give me some details on how u get that score ?

Did I mention automatic sandboxing in CIS in the first paragraph? No! It’s about CLT and has nothing to do with CIS. :slight_smile:

Automatic detection of installers selected or not does not matter. If it is selected, you gen an Unlimited access alert, and can click on Sandbox. Just run the tests and block every alert. :slight_smile:

Did I mention automatic sandboxing in CIS in the first paragraph? No! It's about CLT and has nothing to do with CIS.

yes , u said

[b]Virtualisation allows files to be dropped and changes to be made in the registry[/b], but in a special “virtual” folder and registry.(no ! , the virtual folder is empty) CLT doesn't understand that they are virtual, ( they are not virtual ! ) and says Vulnerable. That's why CLT should be updated.

witch virtualisation u r talking about ??!

as i said before , CLT low results have nothing to do with virtualisation , there is something wrong with the sandbox feature.

anyway , CIS 5 is strong enough even without sandbox enabled , and I’m happy with it

Automatic detection of installers selected or not does not matter. If it is selected, you gen an Unlimited access alert, and can click on Sandbox. Just run the tests and block every alert.

I already tried that and it didn’t do the trick , i got 320/340 (Impersonation: Coat/DDE )

the only way to get full score is to completely disable the sandbox feature. maybe it’s CIS / win7 issue , who knows ?

I will give it a try on xp sp3 and see how it goes


no need to fight here! I opened this topic to get help, not see people arguing with each other. I got my answer and a deeper understanding how this leaktest works. :slight_smile:

I thank all for taking their time to explain and to give advices.
