106 error

When i try the updater it says 106 error could not complete update process.

Does anybody know what this means.

just installed the stable ver of comodo and got v same pblm…

waiting for an explanation… :THNK

thx (:TNG)

There are no updates available beyond v2.4.18.184 at this moment in time.

Read this.

And there’s probably not going to be any updates for CFP 2.4 since <a href="https://forums.comodo.com/cfp_beta_corner/announcement_comodo_firewall_pro_3011246_rc1_released-t14496.0.html>CFP3 is on the way!


Bit old isn’t it Ragwing? Are you saying that the Comodo server errors from March this year are repeating themselves?

I don’t think so, it’s most likely because there’s no updates avaliable at the moment like you said, tho they could’ve wrote ‘No updates avaliable at the moment.’ instead of giving some error code. Maybe they put the update server offline since there’s (probably) not going to be any updates for 2.4?
Also, the update server for CFP3 is also down.


cough If IE’s Work Offline option is enabled, then you also get error 106 end of cough

:smiley: that’s the longest “cough” in history.

*cough* If IE's Work Offline option is enabled, then you also get error 106 *end of cough*

Using IE’s enough to make anyone cough :wink: